Thursday, December 26, 2013

On December 26, 2012 I got the best Christmas gift I could have asked for…remission. Having cancer has taught me more about life than I could have ever imagined. It has truly changed my life for the better. While it has shaped me into a better person, there are days that the pain I’ve faced are etched into my memory forever. These days were definitely mountains on this journey; one being December 29th  when Chris shaved my head. While it taught me that my curls don’t define me, it was not easy to cut them off. Oddly enough, they didn’t come back. Maybe it’s God’s way of showing me how much I’ve changed. 

In 2013 I accomplished quite a bit. I walked in graduation, received my diploma, passed my boards and became a licensed APRN; all while undergoing treatment. I also overcame many other obstacles that were placed in front of me. While some things seem like they’re impossible, I continue to take everything one step @ a time. I have many goals for 2014, but I’m continually reminded that Rome wasn’t built overnight, so I have to remind myself of my motto, sit back and relax.
So here’s to enjoying a happy and healthy 2014!
Happy Holidays!

Till next time…KMS

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! What a great Christmas present this year! I think your new hair style looks great by the way!

    Love, Lee Ann
