In my 25th year of life I’ve had many ups and
downs. I was diagnosed with cancer, graduated with my masters and today I passed
my APRN boards. That’s right, I PASSED! After 3 hours in the exam room, I hit
end exam and thought, "here we go". I literally saw my heart
beating while I awaited the results.
These past 11 months have shown me that anything is possible. I’m living proof
that when you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything! I’ve faced much
adversity after being diagnosed with cancer. There are many good days, but
there have been some bad ones along the way. But following my motto, I have taken
everything one step @ a time. And of course, I couldn't have done it without
the support of my family and friends. (Who had more confidence in me than I had
in myself!)
I’m not sure what I’ll do with all this free time, but I'm sure I’ll find
something J. It’ll take a few days to set in, but for now I’ll celebrate!
Till next time...KMS APRN
Congrats Katelyn!! Your team at Smilow is very proud of you!!!