Happy graduation day! (and mother’s day of course) I made itJ If this has taught me
anything, it has taught me that determination and hard work pays off. I achieved
my goal- -I walked across that stage and graduated alongside my fellow classmates!
It has been a long journey with a big pay off. I am happy to be done with late
night studying, 20 pages papers and endless exams. Although I am sure after
about a month I’ll be climbing the walls. I’ll keep myself busy with studying
for the boards and a few good books. Of course I didn’t achieve this goal
alone, I am thankful to be surrounded by some pretty amazing people. I cannot
thank Chris, my parents, some good friends, and family enough for their support
through school. We made it J
Here’s a sneak peek picture- - more to come.
Till next time…KMS
Beautiful picture! Very proud of you and this achievement!
Lee Ann
You are amazing! Congrats!