Thursday, September 11, 2014

I feel like I blog less and less. It gets a little hectic with work and treatment, but I’m still plugging along. On top of my busy schedule, I’m fundraising for Light the Night! On October 18, 2014 I’ll be walking in Light the Night. This will be my second year walking in the event. Last year was a great time and I was able to raise quite a bit of money thanks to everyones generosity! Since being diagnosed it has been my goal to increase awareness of blood cancers. While increasing awareness it’s important to raise money to increase access to many needed resources. There are many people out there who do not have the support I am fortunate enough to have. Cancer does not discriminate. I once read a quote that describes it perfectly- “It is an equal opportunity offender. You’re enlisted in a club you never wanted to join. You’re shipped off to war even though you never enlisted in the army and you have to put on your armor.” (Graham) This is not the journey I would have ever imagined I’d be on. For some unknown reason it chose me. Its a journey that’s shaped me into a person that I’m proud of. It’s shown me that I’m stronger than I ever thought possible. It’s brought many amazing people into my life, while showing me constant love and support from those I’m closest to. 

Below is the link to my Light the Night page. I encourage you to donate. Not only are you helping me increase awareness in blood cancer, you’re making a huge impact in the life of someone who is battling cancer. Thank you for your continued support! 

Light the Night 
Lighthouse Point Park New Haven CT
October 18, 2014 5:00pm